Article  |  Project Management

"We Need This Done in a Hurry!" How to Prepare for a Rushed Project

Project management processes work well... until there's an urgent issue that requires quick thinking and fast solutions. How can you and your team plan ahead for emergency situations and tackle them without creating an even bigger problem?

Article  |  Development

Recap: RailsConf 2024, Detroit

Robby attended RailsConf 2024 and enjoyed several talks, particularly those on Domain-Driven Design and offloading async tasks. They also hosted tables for Oh My Zsh during the hack day sessions and learned that the 2025 RailsConf would be the last one.

Article  |  Misc

Tips for Attending Your First RailsConf!

Getting ready for RailsConf? Whether you're attending or presenting (or both!), we've got some tips to help you make the most of it.

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