Since 2012, PostgreSQL has grown to be the preferred choice of Ruby on Rails developers. We've been championing it for a bit longer.
PostgreSQL continues to win the hearts of the Rails community
1 Jun 2016
1 Jun 2016
23 May 2016
27 Apr 2016
We are awash in a sea of options for front-end Javascript frameworks. We all want the right tool for the right job, but separating useful information from noise can be tough & choosing the "correct" technology can be a daunting task. In an attempt to not add more fuel to the fire in the everlasting Ember vs. Angular debate, here is a list of some (relatively) unbiased comparisons between two of the most popular JS frameworks that we feel accurately summarize the pros & cons that come along with the tools being used to build modern web applications today.
18 Apr 2016
11 Apr 2016
8 Apr 2016
6 Apr 2016
5 Apr 2016
29 Mar 2016
The Rails Hosting Survey is back for the fourth time! This is your opportunity to share your thoughts with the community and gauge current trends in Rails hosting.
29 Mar 2016
I recently had the opportunity to use D3.js for the first time. The learning curve was steep, I was able to produce a series of dynamic charts that I was quite proud of. Here is a summary and brief walkthrough of my learning experience.
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