Let's discuss a few ways that we've used Computed properties in Ember.js.
Computed Macros in Ember
24 Mar 2016
24 Mar 2016
8 Mar 2016
There’s a common issue I've been having with the default way that simple_form renders the markup for checkboxes and radio buttons.
It’s been irking me for some time, because all that needs to happen is have an element that wraps both label and input together so we can style them as a block.
3 Mar 2016
Early in our Ember development we came to a crossroad that had significant impact on the Model structure in our application. In this post I’ll summarize one of many issues we ran into during those first several months, and solicit feedback in search of a "best practice" for the Adapter/Serializer structure in the following scenario.
29 Feb 2016
I’ve used a lot of different jQuery plugins without giving them much of a second thought after implementation. With slick carousel though, each time I come back and use it I’m a little more impressed each time. All the features I need are built right in, are intuitive, and work consistently.
23 Feb 2016
Recently I was working on a task where I was attempting to connect to a third party API (from a Rails app using the HTTParty gem). The API had a fairly complicated authorization header that needed to be built, by concatenating the body of the request itself along with various authorization headers, then being hashed, and then being base64 encoded and escaped. If the header was improperly formed, all I saw was a 403 Forbidden response - not particularly helpful for debugging.
8 Feb 2016
Planet Argon has worked with Ruby on Rails for over a decade. While not without it's hardships or challenges, we feel that "The Rails Doctrine" perfectly highlights the reasons why Planet Argon has found RoR to be a recipe for success. Both in business and the happiness of all parties involved in a project.
11 Jan 2016
A developer's walkthrough for creating a custom action inside Spree Commerces internals.
17 Dec 2015
The folks over at PSD to WordPress reached out to ask about thoughts on CSS frameworks. Brian had a few words to share to their roundup.
13 Aug 2015
Yehuda Katz has announced the new major release of Ember.JS. Unlike typical major releases, they are using this major release as an opportunity to remove features (see Release Notes) that have been deprecated as of Ember 1.13. We appreciate the Ember team's mindful philosophy toward releases (and providing long-term support in a sensible manner). It definitely helps teams like us out.
8 Jun 2015
We're always on the lookout for new technologies at Planet Argon. One that looks interesting right now is Elixir. This tutorial covers getting started with Elixir using the Phoenix framework. It is still pretty early days, and some things seem to have changed since the tutorial was written, but that's the nature of the cutting edge.
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