We're releasing our guide to running great technical internships.
5 Dec 2018
19 Nov 2018
25 Apr 2018
24 Apr 2018
12 Feb 2018
30 Jan 2018
1 May 2017
Five weeks flew by too quickly! Last Friday, our two interns from Epicodus had their last day with Planet Argon. During their time with our Rails development team, James and Tracie were able to work on real-life applications. On his last day, James put together a list of five things he learned during his Rails internship with Planet Argon. Check them out!
10 Apr 2017
After spending five months in coding school, it was great to get hands-on agency coding experience at Planet Argon. Taking the Ruby and Rails track at Epicodus gave me a breadth of knowledge and I was eager to continue learning about backend development and see bigger applications implemented with these technologies.
5 Apr 2017
1 Jul 2015
I got to catchup recently with James Anderson, aka @_jamesaanderson, who was Planet Argon's youngest intern at 14 in 2013 to find out what he's been up to since then.
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