Article  |  Development

Debugging HTTP Requests with Sinatra

23 Feb 2016

Debugging HTTP Requests with Sinatra

Recently I was working on a task where I was attempting to connect to a third party API (from a Rails app using the HTTParty gem). The API had a fairly complicated authorization header that needed to be built, by concatenating the body of the request itself along with various authorization headers, then being hashed, and then being base64 encoded and escaped. If the header was improperly formed, all I saw was a 403 Forbidden response - not particularly helpful for debugging.

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Link  |  Development

A Reflection on "The Rails Doctrine"

8 Feb 2016

Article  |  Strategy

4 Ways To Get To Know Your Clients

8 Feb 2016


Don't forget the the middle-man in between you and the user. You know, the company behind the product? AKA your client? Their organization? To build a successful product, it’s just as important to get to know them for a lot of reasons.

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Article  |  Leadership

Versatile: Another Core Value

2 Feb 2016

We are versatile

Some time in the last year we decided that we needed to re-examine our existing core values. When we sat down to rethink this, versatility was already one of our core objectives. It’s one of our values that has stuck with us and has been relevant in our agency throughout the years.

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