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Don't Let Momentum Define Your Career

1 Nov 2012

I started my career way back in the year 1996, fresh out of college with a Bachelor’s Degree in graphic design. I had spent the past four or so years learning the tools of the trade. Some of these tools were a bit older than others. Computers were starting to come on the scene in desktop publishing in a big way. So, interspersed in my curriculum were classes that represented the old and the new. In one class I might have been hand-lettering the alphabet with brushes and paint while in the other I might have been laying out a magazine-style article with copy and images on a Mac. It was quite the transitional period. However, no matter the technique I was using, be it old or new, the basis for everything was design. I was going to school for graphic design so I fancied myself a designer. It just so happened that design work was now accomplished with a keyboard and a mouse.

Photo by John Altdorfer

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Foosball gets spooky

31 Oct 2012

Foosball gets spooky

Happy Halloween, boys and ghouls! (I bet you never heard that one before) Go eat lots of candy, and by all means accept baked goods from strangers.

Article  |  UX

Improving performance with the modern website tune-up

29 Oct 2012

Your website, just like your car, is often due for a bit of maintenance. Fortunately, tuning up your website is less intimidating than that familiar experience of standing next to your vehicle, nodding your head dumbly while handing your mechanic (who, by the way, is much more ruggedly handsome than you) a wad of cash. And that is even less daunting than attempting to work on the car yourself- you’ve tried that before, and you still have nightmares and stained pants.

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Avoid stupidity

17 Oct 2012

Try to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent.

Peter Bevelin Seeking Wisdom

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Fun interactive web-based visual toy

10 Oct 2012

Article  |  Studio

How to Design a Company Picnic T-shirt

9 Oct 2012

Just a few weeks ago, we celebrated our 2012 summer picnic at lovely Irving Park. Now, as the mercury drops and the giraffe-fur coats come out of their cardboard boxes with puffs of toxic mothball dust, we ease into our creaking rocking chairs, reflections of the waning summer dancing in our minds like so many whistling embers leaping from the nearby hearth. “Why didn’t I go to the river more often, goddammit?” we contemplate; or, “I squandered this whole summer sitting at my desk, eating cookies, listening to the sound of my muscles atrophying, and now it’s dark when I wake up and where did I put my raincoat?” Oh, tut-tut, you silly goose! It’s only October- the weather’s still gorgeous and the leaves in your backyard make such a delightful crunching sound.

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On Rephrasing Problems

3 Oct 2012

Phrasing your problem as a question immediately gets your mind working on solutions rather than on the pragmatics associated with the project. For example, “Find new markets for XYZ” can easily be rephrased as “How can we expose more potential customers to XYZ?”

Todd Henry from The Accidental Creative: How to Be Brilliant at a Moment's Notice

Rephrasing problems into questions (that have a clear objective) can have a drastic impact on the conversation we're having.

Quote  |  Leadership

Where are all the women?

1 Oct 2012

“I have a four-year-old daughter and I want her to think that anything is possible, that no career in out of bounds,” she says. “If any other comparable industry had a female workforce of only 17% there would be an outcry.”

Belinda Parmar, Lady Geek from Why are so few women working in technology?

Enjoyed this article... but got a chuckle from, ""Developers tend to be good, straightforward sorts with a refreshing lack of ego, who genuinely enjoy collaborating."

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Portland the best city in the country (for developers)?

25 Sep 2012

Have a project that needs help?