
Mobile - Getting all of our content on mobile

20 Jul 2012

First order business is getting all of our content on mobile, in a format that’s readable, navigable, and searchable. Someone called me out recently for calling that “content strategy,” suggesting that making that happen isn’t really a “strategy.” You know what? It’s not. It’s tactical, it’s wonky, and it’s hard work. It’s also our most important job.

If I could prioritize the efforts of our community over the next 3-5 years, I’d spend 80% of our efforts on the problem of cleaning up our desktop content and getting it all (at least, all the good stuff) onto mobile. Let’s use our 20% experimental time to explore how to prioritize content differently based on what we think we can intuit about user intention based on device and location. And let’s give each of those problems the appropriate weight in our discussions.

Karen McGrane, Bond Art + Science from Mobile > Local

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Six Things You Need to Know About Your Users

19 Jul 2012

Article  |  Work

School’s Out...For Now

17 Jul 2012

As Alice Cooper put it so eloquently, school may be out for summer, but it’s most certainly not forever. While kids are busy with summer activities and teachers are taking their much needed breaks, some of us have been busy. With our design help TCI, a K-12 publishing company, released their new online tools for students and teachers, primed and ready for the 2012-2013 school year.

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Does social media improve the bottom line?

16 Jul 2012

Photo  |  Studio

Happy Birthday Carl!

16 Jul 2012

Happy Birthday Carl!

Today we celebrated Carl’s birthday!

Correction – Today, we celebrated having missed Carl’s birthday, which was yesterday. Carl, being a good sport, promised that he would one day be able to move on past this disappointment, and hopefully lead a life similar to the one he had before.


Then run even faster.

11 Jul 2012

It’s a hard, simple calculus: Run until you can’t run anymore. Then run some more. Find a new source of energy and will. Then run even faster.

Scott Jurek from Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness

This reminded me of a time when Gary and I were running near the waterfront in downtown Portland. He said something along the lines of that when I get towards the top of a incline that I should push myself even harder. He had some explanation that involved how our bodies burn energy, use oxygen, etc... I don't recall the specifics. <br /><br /> Anyhow, a few years later, I recall this conversation each time I find myself overcoming the hardest part of a challenge. Below the surface... and a few layers below that, there is always more energy inside of me... yearning to be burned.

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