This short treatise explains how the human element both contributes to and protects the failure of complex systems.
How Complex Systems Fail
16 Jul 2012
16 Jul 2012
This short treatise explains how the human element both contributes to and protects the failure of complex systems.
16 Jul 2012
“A significant majority of companies that had invested in social media marketing campaigns reported a positive shift in their bottom line. Companies that had developed an extensive social media presence reported a return on investment that was more than four times that of companies that had pursued little or no social networking activity.”
Does this suggest that social media campaigns are effective, or that the kind of companies that invest in social media are more likely to improve their bottom line, or both?
16 Jul 2012
Today we celebrated Carl’s birthday!
Correction – Today, we celebrated having missed Carl’s birthday, which was yesterday. Carl, being a good sport, promised that he would one day be able to move on past this disappointment, and hopefully lead a life similar to the one he had before.
16 Jul 2012
A comedic look at unboxing the new Nexus 7 Android tablet.
13 Jul 2012
Was pleasantly amused to see this appear on YACHT’s Instagram feed a few weeks ago. Perhaps you’ve heard their music before.
They #MakeItHappen.
13 Jul 2012
Nothing sinks a project faster than a poor estimate, or rather, an estimate that sets the wrong expectation. Part of the problem with setting expectations is finding the right words to paint an idea of the development effort.
11 Jul 2012
It’s a hard, simple calculus: Run until you can’t run anymore. Then run some more. Find a new source of energy and will. Then run even faster.
This reminded me of a time when Gary and I were running near the waterfront in downtown Portland. He said something along the lines of that when I get towards the top of a incline that I should push myself even harder. He had some explanation that involved how our bodies burn energy, use oxygen, etc... I don't recall the specifics. <br /><br /> Anyhow, a few years later, I recall this conversation each time I find myself overcoming the hardest part of a challenge. Below the surface... and a few layers below that, there is always more energy inside of me... yearning to be burned.
11 Jul 2012
The Internet was done so well that most people think of it as a natural resource like the Pacific Ocean, rather than something that was man-made. When was the last time a technology with a scale like that was so error-free? The Web, in comparison, is a joke. The Web was done by amateurs.
10 Jul 2012
We’re so very proud and excited to announce that our project with partners iKare has launched! An idea that was more than a year in the making, the FamilyLink connects families and friends to their loved ones through a device that shares photos, videos chats, messages, but more importantly provide an ease of mind.
10 Jul 2012
Empathy – and realizing that the other person is actually a whole separate person, not an actor in your own production of Me: The Play! – is the core thing in every human communication difficulty.
but... but... as far as I can see, the world revolves around me.
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