Video  |  Misc

Truth in Catvertising

14 Nov 2011

We’ve been thinking of hiring a catvertising company to help us with our new brand strategy in 2012.

Article  |  Strategy

Researching Product Reviews Across the Web

7 Nov 2011

How well do you rate?
Have you ever made a decision based on someone else’s recommendation? Of course you have. According to a Nielsen survey

“nine in every 10 Internet consumers worldwide (90%) trust recommendations from people they know, whilst seven in every 10 (70 percent) trust consumer opinions posted online.”

This means 70% of us have at one time used a recommendation, by someone we’ve never met. Might be a strong enough reason to focus on building this type of feedback mechanism for your website.

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Article  |  Work

Contiki's New Homepage Design

4 Nov 2011

Contiki is the worldwide leader in tours for 18-35’s. This summer, they asked us to update their homepage to be more relevant for their users. They wanted more interaction and to organize many quick bits of information for potential travelers. The presentation near the bottom and middle parts of the homepage felt unorganized, and we sensed it wasn’t working as an introduction to Contiki.

Contiki’s homepage needs to create interest in the tours, draw potential travelers deeper into the site, and sell the brand as the best option for holidays. We spent a lot of time planning on how to help Contiki make a great first impression. Not everyone who lands on the Contiki homepage knows what Contiki is and what they have to offer.

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Photo  |  Studio

Movember... in the PA Studio?

2 Nov 2011

Movember... in the PA Studio?

I’ve been trying to push Movember onto the gentlemen of Planet Argon, with no success. So in an attempt to persuade, I fashioned them with the most stylish mustaches, mustachios, and handlebars I could find. Not so bad, right?

Article  |  Development

Migrating from our projects from LESS to Sass

2 Nov 2011

When I joined the team here at Planet Argon, LESS was being used to code and compile the current CSS files. When a new client project came along, we started the transition to using Sass. The decision was made to use Sass when it was included in Rails 3.1. Being a Rails shop, we wanted follow the conventions that were being advocated by leaders of the Rails community. The differences between the syntax of Sass and LESS are minor, but the process of transitioning our largest project to SASS has had its issues.

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