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Back to School

26 Mar 2012

Back to School

Annie, Eric, and myself recently flew down to Mountain View, CA to meet with one of our new clients, TCI who is a K-12 education publishing company. While visiting, I couldn’t help taking a few photos of them in the studio classroom.

Stay tuned as we’ll have a lot to share about the work we’re doing with them.

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Pairing Devices and Debugging With Adobe Shadow

7 Mar 2012

Article  |  Work

Bringing People Together: The Contiki Community

25 Jan 2012

A community needs a common passion or value, something that brings the members together. The Contiki Community is not about a passion for travel. It’s not about the product either. Much in the same way that you are not simply “buying a tour,” the Contiki Community is about the Contiki experience. It’s about the hunt for the perfect trip, the rush of making the decision and booking a trip, the buildup as you get closer to your departure, the letting go and immersing yourself in a new culture with new people, the high after you return where you can’t stop talking about what you saw and did, and the burning desire to do it again; or rather it’s about all the feelings you have as you go through the lifecycle of doing a Contiki.

Allison Beckwith, Planet Argon, on the design vision for the new community pages

What began as a vision between Contiki and the Planet Argon Team became a reality this week as we launched the new Contiki Community pages.

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Observations of an Android to iPhone convert

23 Jan 2012

I bought a Motorola Droid in the summer of 2010. I wanted a smartphone so I could check my email on the go, replace my aging GPS, and browse the internet occasionally. I bought a Droid because Amazon had a great deal (it was basically free), and I wanted to be able to do whatever I wanted with it. I rooted it within a week of getting it since that was the easiest way to get the updated version of the Android OS at the time.

I was really happy with the extremely easy and tight integration with all of the Google services I used (email and calendar mostly). But my wife really wanted a smartphone as well, specifically an iPhone. I was against the idea because I knew she’d have questions about how to use it, and without one of my own I’d be in the position of supporting two kinds of devices. When I started working for Planet Argon where everyone has an iPhone, I encountered my first small disadvantage…

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