Video  |  Misc

Finding Portland

25 Apr 2012

“Finding Portland was produced, shot, and edited in 51 days during March and April at the invitation of TEDx Portland, where the video was unveiled to a sell out crowd of 650 and met with a standing ovation. Filmed in Portland and the Columbia Gorge, this time-lapse piece offers a new perspective to the City of Roses. From a Portland Timbers season opening soccer game, to the top of the Fremont Bridge, to an aerial shot of Oneonta Gorge, Finding Portland tells the story of a city and its many faces.”

“Comprised of 308, 829 photographs taken from over 50 unique locations, it took an average of 3.8 hours to make each second of this film. The intent of the project was to place our cameras in unique locations across the city, achieve significant ranges of dynamic camera motion, and pursue cutting edge time-lapse techniques.”

Fascinating perspective of our little city.

Link  |  Work

Contiki Exchange

23 Apr 2012

Article  |  UX

The Mobile Viewport, Short and Sweet

17 Apr 2012

Peter-Paul Koch, of quirksmode fame, recently gave an enlightening presentation about the mobile viewport which, quite fortunately for all of us, is available in video and slide form. “A pixel is not a pixel”, clocking in at just over an hour, is quite thorough and enjoyably dense, so watch it. But, if you don’t have an hour to spare, this is the gist of it:

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Article  |  Strategy

Transition to Mobile

12 Apr 2012

With all of the talk about mobile best practices, some are neglecting to factor in the reality of existing sites and existing budgets. Just because you don’t have the time or money to completely revamp your site for a mobile audience doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider a mobile strategy. A separate mobile-version of your website might be the perfect first step.

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